Saturday, 3 December 2011

Get fit for skiing - Week 10

Well now its December and the staff are all set to arrive at the hotel Christiania in the next few days the count down to the start of the ski season 2011/12 is just about complete, we have in association with Steve Bonthrone, a personal trainer from Perth put together a series of 10 exercises to help get you fit to get the most out of your skiing. If you search for Fitness on this blog you can find the other nine of the 10 exercises that have already been published. We trust you have enjoyed the exercises and would welcome any feedback here or on our facebook page.

For the final exercises Steve again states "that we return to more advanced core work. If you need any help or assistance with this or any of the other exercises in the programme please contact me via my website
10. Back Raises on the ball

©Steve Bonthrone 2011 No part of this article may be copied without permission

You will probably be familiar with this exercise as well. Lie in the prone position with the waist on top of the ball. For the beginner, place the knees on the ball and for the advanced exerciser, extend the legs and push up on the toes. Place the finger tips by the side of the head and raise the chest up, pushing the stomach onto the ball and then return to the starting position. Breathe out as you rise up and breathe in as you return. Do 3 sets of 15 reps. As with any exercise using the ball, perform the repetitions slowly and with control for full effect.