We’ve started to work on the base strength of the leg muscles, now we start to work on dynamic strength. This exercise will help improve speed and agility.
7. Squat Thrusts
Start with the hands on the floor, legs fully extended and body raised. Using the core muscles, fix the upper body and pelvic area and solely use the legs to ‘jump in’, bringing the knees into the chest and jump back out to the starting position. Jumping in and out counts as 1 rep. Do 3 sets of 15 reps with 1min rest between sets. To advance the exercise, try using timed intervals such as 30 seconds or 1min with a short recovery between sets. Aim to breathe out as you bring the legs in and inhale as you take the legs out. As an alternative, try the split position with one knee into the chest and other leg extended and swap over to count as a rep.
©Steve Bonthrone 2011 No part of this article may be copied without permission