Steve states "that to get the most enjoyment out of your ski holiday by doing some fitness training. Most skiers will experience a burn in their thighs as well as aching calves, lower back, inner thighs and bum after the first day skiing. To combat that, we need to work on a combination of strength, endurance and balance exercises. Here are a series of exercises to add to your routine"
1. The Squat
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, lift the chest and hold the arms straight out in front. Sit back through the hips until the thighs are parallel to the floor and rise up keeping the knees relaxed at the top. Aim for 3 sets of 15reps. This works all the muscles in the thighs, bum, calves and stomach. A weight can be added if desired
We aim to release a new exercise every Saturday between now and the 3rd of December to give you time to get fit for next season.
For more fitness tips and advice please visits Steve's website at